Evangelical Alliance of Arabic speakers

 in Europe 


Newtonstraße 1

53125 Bonn    - Germany 

[email protected]


+49 179 4739514 

Evangelical Alliance of Arabic speakers

 in Europe 

To donate

Bank: Sparkasse Koeln Bonn

Receiver: EAAS-Europa

IBAN.DE82 3705 0198 1933 6497 07



  That they may be ONE (John 17:11) 

The alliance spiritual message is based on the word of God. The alliance do not intervene in political matters, God has raised certain people for politics, but it  teaches and encourages their members to be good citizens as they know God’s well to fulfil justice and goodness in the world . Members are to seek peace for the countries they live in, respecting the laws, faithful in their lives being examples for others.

The Evangelical Alliance of Arabic Speakers in Europe (EAAS) 


Concerning the Name, Headquarters, Legal Status of the Alliance and the Financial Year 

1) The Alliance is known as the "Evangelical Alliance of Arabic Speakers", in Europe. The Alliance main headquarter is based in Bonn - Germany. 


2) The Alliance is officially registered with and recognized by the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. 

3) The fiscal year is the calendar year in which it ends. 

4) The Alliance operates primarily in the European Union (EU) countries, but it may operate in other European countries. 


Alliance goals 

(1)  The objectives of the Alliance shall be limited only to charitable purposes, under tax exemptions section provided for in the Tax Law, concerning charitable religious service. 

(2)  This is achieved particularly through: 

(a) Promoting of the Christian faith and biblical teachings for all ages, particularly for children and young people. 

(b)  Proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ through preaching and publishing material using the multimedia. 

(c)  Showing Christian love towards others practically. 

(d)  Encouraging Christian missionary work. 

(e)  Assisting the indigent and people with special needs. 

(f)   The distribution of the Bible, Christian publications, cassettes, DVDs, video tapes and other means of communicating information that serve the purpose of this constitution. 

(g)  In addition, the Alliance is responsible for the financial support and the collection of voluntary contributions to the missionary work at home and abroad. 

(h)  Holding meetings, forums and conferences. 

(i)    Create and supervise a special website for the Alliance, and use other media means as a platform for dissemination. 

(j)    Exchange of intellectual resources with other organisations in and providing personal support, in a way that fulfils Alliance objectives. 


(3) The Alliance achieves its goals via framework for mutual-cooperation between all churches, and to create a network that will result in quantitative and qualitative growth, locally and in Europe, on three levels: 

Spiritually: The Alliance provides spiritual biblical counselling for its members in the form of spiritual counselling, guidance and education, to reach a mature Christian church, to maintain Christian faith, and to preach the Gospel. 

Organisationally: Providing counselling to Alliance members, in the fields of Organisation and administration, including financial and structural matters, and how to work with governmental departments of the state, promoting relations with churches and integration into the European community. 

Media: Encouraging the joint work of members in the field of media, to disseminate information about their activities in Europe 


Pastor Daoud Elia Daoud  (President of Evangelical Alliance of Arabic Speakers in Europe)

Wir alle haben eine Leidenschaft für etwas. Das hier ist meine! Ich habe schon früh damit angefangen und bin im Laufe der Jahre immer besser geworden. Und ich lerne jeden Tag etwas Neues dazu.


Evangelische Allianz Arabische Sprechender in Europa .e.V

Das Hauptziel ist, …dass sie eins seien wie wir (Joh.17,11), d.h. die zerstreuten Gemeinden europaweit kennenzulernen, trotz der Unterschiedlichkeit zu vereinen und mit einer Stimme zu sprechen. Dafür gibt es jährlich die Leiterschaftskonferenz in Deutschland .

Die Stärkung der Zusammenarbeit  bei Freizeiten, Evangelisationen, Erweckungstagen und Mission.

Die Förderung junger Gemeinden und – wo möglich – Neugründungen.

Eine Seelsorge- und Rüstfreizeit  jährlich für erholungsbedürftige Ehepaare, die europaweit mit Arabern arbeiten.

Die Zusammenarbeit mit den einheimischen Gemeinden und Werken in Fragen der Migration und Integration. Uns beschäftigen vor allem die Betreuung von Migranten und die Entwicklung der zweiten und dritten Generation in Europa und speziell in Deutschland.

Weitere Informationen sind unter www.eaas-europe.com  zu finden.

Im Herrn verbunden, liebe Grüße und Gottes Segen.

Pastor Elia Daoud  

Vorsitzender der Evangelische Allianz Arabisch-Sprechender in Europa e.V.